If we were to listen to James today, what kind of church would we be? A church that:
- Glories in tribulation and is not addicted to "success"
- Lives the Message holistically, weekly, not just on Sunday
- Doesn't show favortism, particularly toward (or for) those that are esteemed in the world's eyes (not in God's)
- Places a premium on faithful works, not simply "proper" belief
- "Bridles" the tongue and is quick to listen, particularly to outsiders
- Displays true wisdom demonstrated in relationships marked by peace, accommodation and gentleness
- Is serious about the spiritual aspect of relationships within the church, striving to avoid passing judgment on brothers and sisters
- Practices justice in business, rewarding employees for their work, rather than using them for selfish ends
- Exercises patience in suffering and identifies with those suffering
- Relies on prayer, not programs, to accomplish God's work

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